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Gift of time.

I know it.

I know it.

Youth work and return home soon. With tired tired. 5-year-old son and found his father waiting at the door.
Children: "Father, Father, I have a question on my father," Father: "that's it, do so."
Customer: "I work much money per hour," Father: "No, nothing of the fraud here, why is this so."
The father responded with anger. "I want to know, please tell me. How much money per hour's work. "
I asked my father. "If you need to know something. I have 20 dollars per hour. "
Customer: "Oh .." I exclaimed, then dejectedly said to his father again, "Dad, I want to borrow money, $ 10."
He said with emotion. "This is why I asked to be asking for money to buy a silly toy or anything that does not sound like it. I rushed up to me and I think that was very selfish. The hard work many hours every day and no time for children. This is really ridiculous. "
Baby quiet. Walk to the room and shut the door. A young man sat down and angry with his son's question. I dare to ask the question is how to ask for money. After nearly an hour she began to calm down emotionally. And start thinking about what to do with his little son. Perhaps he may need to spend $ 10 and it is true he did not ask for money very often. A young man went into the room, then open the door.
Father: "I sleep a" child "is not" Father. "I think I just might do it too harsh with their children. I did not spend a long time ago that I took this with my son for 10 dollars for "the little boy sat up. "Thank you father."
I wanted to get certain amount of money under the pillow out of it, so it was an angry young man slowly rise again.
"I have been here I come again."
Child: "Because I was not here. But now I have reached my father, I now have the full $ 20.
I would like to buy my father an hour .... I was going home soon, but I want to eat dinner with my father. "

Life Insurance Knowledge:Life Insurance , private, death, employee pensions and annuities,life insurance, educational, life insurance companies
Life Insurance

Life Insurance Knowledge:Life Insurance , private, death, employee pensions and annuities,life
insurance, educational, life insurance companies

Life Insurance Knowledge:Life Insurance , private, death, employee pensions and
annuities,life insurance, educational, life insurance companies
Gift of time.

Imagine having a bank account that you include a 86,400 Baht
There is no balance carried forward to the next day every evening to remove all the unused balance during the day.
What do you do? Of course, you need to withdraw all U.S. ใcheahm every cent!
We all have that same bank. The Bank was named "Time" is taken into account to 86,400 seconds.
Every night, it is clear that loss account for the amount you missed the opportunity to invest in something. It retained the balance.
The overdraft. Each day will open a new account for you. Every night to remove the balance of the day before.
If you lose the chance to use during the day. The loss is yours.
Can not go back. No withdrawal. "Tomorrow" available.
You have to live with the current balance of today.
The investment of these deposits to a maximum return. Whether it is healthy.
I แlacwamsmereh! The clock moving. Do this best.
I know the value of one year.
To ask students who fail must repeat the class.
I know the value of a month.
Go ask your mother to a baby prematurely.
I know the value of one week.
To ask a weekly newspaper.
I know the value of one hour.
To ask the lovers who are waiting for an appointment.
I know the value of one minute.
To ask someone who just missed the train.
I know the value of a fraction of a second.
To ask someone who just narrowly survived the accident.
And make it even more valuable because you use it with some special people.
The special enough to spend your time.
And remember that at one time, not even a single person.
Yesterday is the past. I also difficult to explain. Today is a gift.
That it why it is called "Present".
.Life Insurance Knowledge:Life Insurance , private, death, employee pensions and annuities,life insurance, educational, life insurance companies